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Removing Cart32 Advertisements

The "Shopping cart powered by Cart32" links in your templates and emails can be removed.

Remove from Cart32 Templates

To remove the Cart32 advertisements from your Cart32 templates, you will need to edit each of the following template pages:

  • ItemList.html
  • SendOrder.html
  • ReviewOrder.html
  • ConfirmOrder.html
  • NoItems.html

In these files, which are in your Cart32 directory (if you have your own license) or accessed via Cart32 Hosting Admin Panel (if you are hosted by Cart32), add a space between the closing body and HTML tags.

For example, change this:


to this:

</body> </html>

Remove from Emails

To remove Cart32 advertisements from email, you will need to edit each of the following template files:

  • CustomerEmail.txt
  • ClientEmail.txt

Add or remove a dash from the line of dashes at the bottom of the file and the add will no longer appear.

For example, change this:


to this:
